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Fiona Kashel

Fiona is an international event rider who has been ranked in the top 100 BE riders for the last eight years. She competes and produces horses up to advanced level as well as running the livery yard offering a wealth of experience looking after and caring for horses, ensuring each horse is settled and happy at all times.
Amy Chittenden
Second Rider
Amy has worked with Fiona since 2015 and is a real asset to the team. As a second rider she has shown the ability to ride at a high standard gaining some great results. She is very thorough in her work and always puts the horses needs as the highest priority. We look forward to her producing the horses and supporting Fiona in years to come.
Ashley Clegg

Second Rider
Ashley worked with Fiona at Mayor House Farm and we were all extremely excited when she decided to join us at Ponds Equestrian. She has teamed up with Amy as Second Rider as she has a huge amount of experience producing horses. She has an outstanding work ethic and her way with the horses is second to none.
Emily Boyce
Emily is a fresh new face for 2025. She has previously managed yards and has a wealth of experience that we are excited to capitalise on here at Ponds equestrian. Everyone who knows Emily has nothing but praise for her work so I’m very grateful she has joined our team and am very excited to see what the future holds.
Kitty Martin

Head Girl
Kitty joined us in spring 2024 and has been a great addition to the team. We call her kitty can do as nothing is a problem for her and accepts every task with a positive attitude. With her outlook, communication skills and energy she is a real asset to team Kashel and as head girl is a force to be reckoned with.
Amber Harrison

Amber came for work experience in 2019 and we somehow persuaded her to become a full time member of staff and never left! We would be lost without her now. She has a positive and efficient attitude towards any task given to her, a great approach with horses and we all enjoy working with her.
Lauren Underhill

Lauren joined us in December 2016 as part of the government apprenticeship scheme. Lauren is our first apprentice. She has soaked up all the knowledge that we have been able to provide her and has become a vital member of our team. She is extremely hard working and is always keen to learn. She manages all the ordering on the yard and has recently passed her HGV and trailer licence. We are very lucky to have her.
Pippa Haslam

Pippa has worked with us throughout her childhood. She has now finished her education and is perusing a career with horses. She is a fantastic rider but also extremely hard working. She is always fun, polite and communicates with everyone and will try her best at any task given to her. We are so lucky to have her as part of the team and we hope we can help her achieve her competition ambitions throughout her career.
Emily Yates

We are very excited to have Emily as a part of the team whilst she is on her gap year. Not only is she a fantastic rider, she also has a great attention to detail on the yard and we can trust her to try any job with a very good attitude. She has fitted in with the team quickly and we are very lucky to have her.
Nadine Bartlett

Nadine has been with us since 2015, we would be lost without her. She is a real asset to the team and always has a smile on her face. She has a lovely way with the horses who are all very fond of her, as are we! We have nicknamed her “mummy”.
Lottie Newton
Lottie joined us in August 2024. She has previously worked for international eventers so we are excited that she decided to join us and is proving to be a vital member of the team. She has recently moved her event horse to Ponds and we hope that we can help her achieve her competition goals for the season ahead.
Zoe Ashby
We are very lucky that Zoe decided to join us at team Kashel. She has such a thirst to expand her knowledge and is the first one to put herself forward for taking on a new task. At this rate there will be nothing she can’t turn her hand to. She is a lovely kind person and makes cakes so we are very fond of her already.
Natalie Morgan
Natalie joined us in the spring of 2023 and has proven to be a very valuable member of the team. She has a lot of experience and is extremely hard working. She has now brought her own horse to Ponds Equestrian so we hope to see them having fun together.
Mia Newton
Mia is new to the team for 2025. She has always worked with horses and brings her horse with her. So she has plenty of experience in many areas and we will endeavour to help her expand her knowledge with her riding and stable management so she is a force to be reckoned with.
Jane Morse

Team Administrator
Jane is actually Fiona's sister and thank goodness she is family as no one else would take on some of the tasks that Fiona sets her. She keeps the admin side running smoothly as well as being able to help with the yard, ride and basically do anything and everything that is needed. We are lucky to have her as part of the team.
Sam Daplyn
Equine Physio
Fiona met Sam whilst competing at Lumhulen 5* in 2023. He works for the British Equestrian Federation as part of the team of physios that assist GB riders at international competitions. Luckily for Fiona he is local to Ponds equestrian. He has a great eye for detail and is very hands on. He is an integral part of the team ensuring all the horses are moving and feeling as comfortable and freely as possible.
Sarah Helm & Phoebe Parker
Sarah Helm and Pheobe Parker are from Shotter and Byers Equine Veterinary Services and have been our vets for nearly 10 years now. All we can say is we would be lost without them! The lengths they go to to make sure our horses are fit and well are indescribable. Their continued support is very much appreciated.
Joshua Driver

Josh has been our farrier since 2017 and we can honestly say the horses’ feet have never looked so good. This has been backed up by complimentary comments from top trainers. He is very conscientious about each individual horse and we hope he continues to steal Fiona’s parking space for a very long time!